Activiy Baby Walker

Activiy Baby Walker


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Activity Baby Walker

The red baby walker is a very suitable toy for your child if you want to make your child walk easily and easily, strengthen the muscles responsible for walking, and teach through play.

– Activity Baby Walker Available on Bryto Store for educational toys and skills development.

– It is also suitable in infants’ kindergartens, young children’s waiting areas, and private clinics.

Activity Baby Walker is suitable for children from the age of 12 months to two years old.

Activity Baby Walker help to spend free time in developing the skills that must be acquired and developed, which is playing and paying attention to the sounds, colors and sound of the hula.

A dual-use game that is integrated in its ability to acquire many skills that should be done for your little one, such as

1-You help your child to walk by holding on to it, pushing it and walking behind it. This works on walking and relying on itself in a very small period.

2-It contains brightly colored toys and tools that attract your child’s attention and this is what you should do at such an age.

3-It contains a two-piece cat puzzle that help strengthen the child’s intelligence and memory.

4- It contains a maze of colored balls with moving directions that attracts your child’s attention while playing and makes him want to discover the ocean from around.

5-It contains the maze of animals, which can be taken to their home and get to know them.

6 It contains colorful gears with which the child can play and see that they overlap together and attract his attention.

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